Apple released its First Quarter results today. As I suspected, they did quite well and the after hours trading on its stock reflect that (currently trading up 9% from today's close and about 12.5% from yesterday's close). A lot of sites are viewing this as a reason to show that Apple is doing quite well without Steve. Not to say that Steve was or was not a big factor in today's results, but I think if you really want to have a clear picture of how Apple does without Steve, wait a few more quarters to reach that determination. Even though Steve never wrote a line of code or created a hardware design, his "force of nature" attitude probably kept Apple from turning out crappy products these past few years. To use a very graphic analogy, whipping a horse is a much more effective method to make it to run than offering it a sugar cube. It'll be interesting to see what products Apple turns out without that particular jockey on its back. Anyone remember the Quadra and Centris? I thought so...